Rob’s Bookshop

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This novel is set in the rapidly changing world of China in which a young Englishman attempts to reinvent himself but is overwhelmed by the country's temptations and deadly pitfalls.

Shaken by China

The first chapter won second prize in a competition set by WriteLink called 'Novel Beginnings'. Here are the judge's (David Robinson) comments:

"From the outset, we're driven into Keith's situation and asking questions. What's happened, why is he here? What has he done to offend the oppressive, Beijing regime? Then we see manipulative Chinese politics entering the tale. The introduction of Xiu Mei is measured and once more begs questions. The back story will come. We know it will. The blanks left by the questions will be filled. There is some passivity in the writing, but even that sits well with Keith's passive role in events around him. This is a work that deserves to be published."


108,000 words

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